Cheerleading Exercises For Beginners
When most people think of cheerleading, they don’t give any thought to cheerleading exercises. They are under the impression that cheerleading is all about routines and using their lungs to yell “oopsy”. While that is an important part of cheerleading, there is more to it than that! It’s a great way to get your personality out there on a sports field or dance floor, to see if you have what it takes. If you do, then you will be ready to start performing some of the more interesting cheerleading routines.
One of the most popular cheerleading exercises for beginners is called the line. This is where you line up in a straight line, head bang in line with the camera, then bust out a cheer. You don’t have to yell the cheer at the same time, but keep the cheer quiet for the camera to record it. This can be done by squatting down, then squatting back up, then standing up straight again.
The next thing you should know is that all beginners need to stretch before and after any cheerleading routine. You should always warm up with your routine first, and then stretch. Your muscles need to be limber so they can support the weight of your cheers.