Cheerleading Dance Songs

cheerleading dance songs

Cheerleading Dance Songs

Cheerleading dance songs are very important for cheerleaders during games and tournaments. However, they should not be the only ones included. Some people are a bit selective when it comes to songs and choreography for cheerleading activities. Instead of opting for popular songs, try to write your own original ones. This way, you will be able to showcase your skills and have a personal touch with your audience.

There are so many cheerleading dance songs available to choose from nowadays, that the choices are almost unlimited. In fact, some of them may be even familiar to you. For example, if you know the old American standard “ighters” and “ighters’ all over the field,” you may find a few routines or choreography in a few old school dances. You do not have to copy the entire song, just include a few of its ideas as base for your own creation.

If you want to practice and improve your cheerleading dance songs performance, try making copies of them. You can burn the copies to CD and listen to them in the car. This way, you will be able to gauge your progress and have a concrete plan on how to improve it. It is also possible that you will have to change your routine a couple of times before you finally master it.